Side by Side

Side by Side: Selections from the Permanent Collection on view September 19, 2019 – January 12, 2020 curated by Veronica Kessenich. Side by Side: Selections from the Permanent Collection examines the nature of acquiring a collection, learning about art and exploring how artists’ taste and content evolve over time. Curated by Veronica Kessenich, executive director […]

The Possibility of Framing Infinity

The Possibility of Framing Infinity on view spring 2008 curated by Lisa Alembik. “Painting as a noun takes on limitless form and attitude. It can arouse visual pleasure, support a manifesto, tell a story and speak of ideas. It is carved out of history. As a verb, painting is a suggestive practice that unfolds and […]

Velocity of a Single Gesture, or How to Build an Empire

Velocity of a Single Gesture, or How to Build an Empire on view spring of 2007. “In an interview by journalist Ron Suskind, a senior White House adviser is quoted as saying “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” In the exhibition “The Velocity of Gesture, or How to […]

Blackbird on My Shoulder

Blackbird on My Shoulder on view fall 2006 organized with support from The Margaret Virginia Philip Art Endowment Fund. Blackbird on my Shoulder featured visual artists, writers and performers who were unshakably attached to the southeastern United States and were inspired by auto(biography) and storytelling. Stories, song and poetry were installed among photographs, drawings and […]

Pink Days Azure Nights

Pink Days Azure Nights on view Spring 2006 curated by Lisa Alembik. “This exhibition does not revolve around a theme. Pink Days, Azure Nights was borne from a call that brought forth artists unknown to the organizer in addition to new ideas from familiar ones. This exhibition does not revolve around a theme, but connections […]
